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INaan HeAvan SheAval YouNee ItAthu AOru ComeVaa CameVanthuttan(male)/vanthutta(female) Will comeVanthiruvan(male)/vanthiruva(female) OpenThera OpenedTheranthiruke Will openTherakum SitUkkarru WalkNadae EatSaapidu DrinkKudi WinJayie GoPoa RunOdu I goNaan porean He...

Learn to Speak Hindi

IMein HeWoh / Usne SheWoh YouTum / Aap (respect) ItYeh AEk ComeAao / Aaiye (respect) CameAaya ( he) / Aayee (she) / Aaye (plural) Will comeAayega (he) / Aayegi (she) / Aayenge ( plural) OpenKholo / Kholiye (respect) / Kholna OpenedKhola Will openKholega (he) / Kholegi...

The Muslim Wedding Ceremony

Islamic Tradition The wedding itself doesn’t need to take place in a mosque, and any Muslim who understands Islamic tradition can officiate. There are two aspects to a Muslim wedding – the ceremony and the legal contract, which legitimises the marriage and must be...

Hindu Wedding Rituals

13 Steps of a Vedic Marriage Ceremony While various regional steps are followed by different sects of Hindus across India, the following 13 steps form the core of a Vedic wedding ceremony: Vara Satkaarah – Reception of the bridegroom and his kinsmen at the...

Christian Wedding Ceremony

This outline covers each of the typical elements of a Christian wedding ceremony. It is designed as a guide for planning and understanding each aspect of your Christian wedding. I’ve tried to include every possible element in a Christian ceremony, however, not...